Vrindavan School Website

The school is located on the lap of the spectacular and picturesque Himalayas, nestled on the foothills of the Deolo Hill at an elevation of 4,100 feet, with a pleasant climate of which Kalimpong can boast. Located at a distance of 5 kilometers away from Kalimpong town, enroute to Algarah on the Rishi Road, it is ideally situated for the growth and development of children. The school is spread over a vast expanse of land covered with forest, natural streams and beautiful garden - hence the name VRINDAVAN.
'Vrindavan School' is not just another English Medium School; it is a school with a difference. A team of highly qualified and trained teachers started the school, to accommodate the rush for the best education available. The high school is co-educational and and recognised under the ICSE and ISC Board, New Delhi. Our affiliation number with the council is : WB 256/2004.
At Vrindavan, we impart high quality education with solid foundation, which enrich rewarding experience. To overcome fears and frustations of their daily lives and to develop their hidden talents, the school organizes academic programmes and extensive curricular activities. Besides the traditional system of education, the school believes in enhancement of their students self confidence and self esteem. The school imparts gentle guidance that helps the children to grow into becoming responsible and independent individuals.
The school is affiliated to the Council of the Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE) New Delhi.
Entire syllabus is divided into three terms. We also conduct monthly tests, unit tests and revision test for the benefit of the students.
The school offers a choice of specialization from Class 9 onwards where the students can choose from Science, Commerce and Humanities streams as his / her subjects. the entire syllabus are current and are pertinent to the challenges and changes in the education system.
Different departmental heads encourage the students to achieve their potential with sound and stimulating excellence in every subject. Hence the result of ICSE till today is 100%
E-mail: vrindavanschoolkalimpong@gmail.com
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Vrindavan school promotion ad

by admin  |  02 May 2020

  • Paramount-School
  • Vrindavan-School
  • साँझले-बोलाउँदै-छ-।-Sajha-le-Bolaudaicha-।-Daniel-Gadal-।-Dedicated-to-late.-Nawaraj-B.-K-&-Friends